Destination Partys

Cmg History

Destination partys

CMG will be launching our Exclusive Cape Verde Weekender, Date to be confirmend also other Desitnation Partys and special events geared to promote and develop  event experiences that will be second to none. We aim to make it an experience for music lovers and new destination seekers.

Ther will be mor events coming after this and you will be able to buy your tickets upon release.

Contact us for more updates or follow us on our social media platfoems for more uptodate notifications.

Cape verde dj lineup

All partys and events will be clearly posted on our socials, so you dont miss out on which days your favorite DJ/Artist
will be performing, ensuring that you have the best experience and allowing you to still have a holiday to do other things if need be.
You will see all the notices on our socilal media pages and you can get alerts in our watspp group.